Tag Archive | getting back in the game

Getting Back in the Game

Do you ever feel the need to just shut down and take some time away?  Do you allow life to get in the way of your interests and desires?  I don’t know about you, but I very often need to just pull away from certain things and allow myself the time to absorb what has happened.

I don’t know if you noticed, but I have not posted here for a while.  I have allowed, and yes, I accept responsibility for it, but I have allowed outside influences to take over and control my actions and what I do.  As you may or may not know, I was working part time for a while, but in February started working full time.  Was it my ideal job?  Of course not, but it did pay the bills.  Was it something I could see myself doing for the long term, definitely not. And did the hours allow me the flexibility to enjoy myself and spend time doing things I truly enjoy?  No way!!  I was working extremely long hours, commuting to a job I truly didn’t enjoy, and while being able to pay some bills, it didn’t get me any closer to my true goals.

Well, I have now taken full ownership of what I am doing.  I have left that position, and taken another one, that while still not ideal, is somewhat better.  The hours are still long, but not as long as the previous position, but since I won’t be commuting as far, I can now spend more time on things I truly enjoy, such as getting back to this blog!!  I have missed being able to discuss crafts and how to create your own ideal life.

Also, this current position, also, is a just a stop gap.  I plan on finding something that will offer me more flexibility to truly create my ideal life, all the while helping others create theirs.  I have made huge strides and am much further along than I ever thought possible.  Due to this, I know I can work with and help others identify their passions and move forward.  What most people don’t understand, is that in creating an ideal life, sometimes you have to do things that don’t appear to move you forward and closer to your ideal.  However, if you look at things from a point of learning and growing, you are indeed moving closer.  Also, you need to know when it is ok to step back and take a break, even from things you enjoy, in order to move forward and get your head back in the game.  In most cases, it is something you need to discover for yourself, but please don’t beat yourself up if you feel you are not getting to where you want to be.  Life will throw curve balls and how you handle them is what truly matters.  Allow yourself to accept them as part of the learning and growing experience and before you know it, you will be able to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and move forward. And don’t forget one of the most important things, make sure you have a strong support system to be there for you when you are at your lowest point.  This is something that has been discussed in earlier posts.  Your support system is most important to help you recover from life’s curve balls.

Here is to getting yourself back into life and back into the game!